The club held its AGM on July 20 via zoom. This was the first time the club has held its main meeting using technology, which is allowed according to our Constitution. Twenty-Five members attended while we had 4 apologies.
Retiring President, Mark Carey thanked the committee for its support and work over the past 12 months. Andrew Boudrie thanked Mark for his time as President and Jayne Pizzo for her contribution to the club’s fund raising and uniform sales. Jayne has stepped down from the committee after 3 years.
Nominations for the positions of President, Vice President, Treasurer & Secretary had been called for prior to the AGM. With one member being duly nominated and seconded, the four positions were filled.
David Jones announced that Andrew Boudrie was our new club President, having been VP for a number of years. Stella McNamara was elected VP after a year as junior (under 30) VP. Adrian Fitzgerald (Treasurer) and John Cooper (Secretary) continued in their roles.
Others to continue on the committee were Arthur Whitchell, Lisa Guglielmino, Alwyn Jones, Adrian Wrout, Stephen Murphy and David Jones.
New to the committee are Joanna Margiolis and Daryl Lawrence.
The Minutes of the 2019 AGM were adopted. Moved by A Boudrie. Seconded David Jones.
The Annual Report was also adopted. Moved Andrew Boudrie. Seconded David Jones.
Adrian Fitzgerald spoke to the club’s financial position; we have a solid financial base, despite a lower income (membership, schools, canteen) offset by lower ground hire charges from MVCC, no XCR costs and no payments to athletes. The finance report and fees for 2020 / 2021 were adopted. Moved David Jones. Seconded John Cooper
Other business: some discussion about track use. Andrea Kewish noted a club record in the annual report need amending.