Some massive results were achieved over the AV Relay Champs with every team from the Club medaling, except for one unlucky DQ.
It was fantastic seeing athletes, parents and supporters coming together under the Club banner on the front straight. Special thanks to the legendary efforts of our amazing life member, Arthur Whitchell doing the early set up.
This is the largest number of teams we have fielded since 2018, well done to all the Team Managers on coordinating these and helping to make a successful day for both Athletics Essendon and the individual athletes.
Results as follows:
4 x 1500 – 20:31.28 – Bronze
4 x 400 – 3:49.50 – second in the heat, qualified third fastest and off to contest the final at Zatopek this coming Saturday at Lakeside
4 x 800 – 9:28.27 – Gold
Medley – 4:25.37 – Bronze
4 x 400 – 4:22.33 – Bronze
4 x 100 – 52.20 – Bronze
4 x 400 – 4:16.74 – Gold
4 x 100 – 54.33 – Silver
4 x 100 – 50.60 – Silver
4 x 1500 –19:37.49 – Silver
4 x 400 – 3:21.84 –second in their heat and qualified fourth fastest to book themselves a berth in the final which is at Zatopek on2/12/23
Medley – 3:40.48 –Bronze
4 x 100 – 43.15 –Gold
Medley – 3:43.48 – Gold
4 x 100 – 45.39 – Bronze
4 x 400 – DQ

On 21 November we had a solid representation of the Club at the Doncaster Mile with the following excellent results –
FOP – Allison Rogers – Eliteheat – 5:31.07
MixedD – Maggie Armstrong – 7:45.17
M16– Vobbama Gunahan – 5:14.93
100 yards
M40 – Kristian Lakusa –Heat win 11.7
F40+- Maggie Armstrong – 16.00

The Zatopek:10 Track Challenge will be hosted by Athletics Essendon on Saturday, 9 December 2023 at the Moonee Valley Athletics Centre. Not long to go now until this important event hosted by Athletics Essendon!
There’s not long to go and entries will close @ 11:59 am on Wednesday, 6 December. Get your entries in here!
We hope to see many past, present and future runners competing in this event. We are seeking support from our athletes and /or their family and friends, to enter and race in this event or to volunteer to help out with the event or to come along and cheer on your AE runners as they race in these graded 10,000m races.
There will be five graded races, so there will be a race to suit most runners! If you can run 65 minutes or less for 10km, then this event is for you. We currently only have three AE athletes entered at this stage, a few more entries would be great to show our distance runners support of this important event.
New Sponsor!
Athletics Essendon are very proud to announce that we now have a new principal sponsor for this event. Please welcome Runners World -The Athletics Specialists, located at 598 High Street, Kew East.
Runner’s World was established in 1976 and sells a complete range of athletic footwear, apparel and accessories for athletes of all abilities and to sporting organisations.
Check out their website https://www.runnersworld.com.au/ or give them a call on
(03) 9817 3503. They are open 6 days a week, so get along to the store and meet Neil Ryan and his team, they will get you sorted in the running shoes and/or gear that is best for you.
Runners World are very generously going to provide a total of $2,000 in prize money to our competitors in this year’s race!
Fastest Female:- $500
Second Fastest Female:- $300
Third Fastest Female:- $200
Fastest Male:- $500
Second Fastest Male:- $300
Third Fastest Male:- $200
This is an outstanding contribution by Runners World and we thank them for their support.
Tuesday, 12 December 2023


You can order here: https://pacificteamsports.com/collections/athletics-essendon/
We would love to see snaps of our athletes in action! Please share your photos with us by sending them to secretary@athleticsessendon.org.au.
Otherwise don’t hesitate to reach out if there is anything we missed, by sending our secretary Rebecca an email at secretary@athleticsessendon.org.au.