40km Drink Station No.11
When :- 7:30am – 1:30pm Sunday 13 October 2019
Where :- Wellington Parade South, East of Flinders Street.
For many years Athletics Essendon has provided volunteers to hand drinks to the marathon runners during this event.
The event organisers pay Aths Ess to provide our volunteers at this drink station.
This payment is a major fund raiser for our club and we need 20 volunteers to provide their time at this event.
Volunteers will receive a free lunch pack, event t/shirt and an event cap.Volunteers will need to complete an easy online OHS induction before event day.This is a fun and satisfying day for our drink station volunteers who get to see the marathon up close!
Please support your club and volunteer your time for this event.Contact Stephen Murphy on 0417 582 208 or athsess@gmail.com to be a part of the drink station team.