Annual General Meeting

The club’s AGM was held on Sunday July 7 in the club rooms. This year was a little different in that the committee decided to award the Arthur Whitchell award after the recipient was unable to attend the Presentation Night. Ian Williams spoke about the history of the award and told the audience about the work Arthur does around the club. Arthur then made the award to Alwyn Jones. Not only is Alwyn a successful athlete and coach, he is also committed to the club and has served on the committee for many years. If we walk into the club rooms there is evidence of Alwyn’s work. The gym equipment we all appreciate is thanks to Alwyn’s smart purchasing. The historical banners hanging up on the walls was also his work. Congratulations Alwyn!

Twenty members were present at the AGM. The new committee is: Mark Carey (President), Andrew Boudrie (VP), Adrian Fitzgerald (Treasurer), John Cooper (Secretary), Steve Murphy, David Jones, Adrian Wrout, Lisa Guglielmino, Jayne Pizzo, Arthur Whitchell, Alwyn Jones and Stella McNamara.

The club thanked John Higham and Ian Williams for their years of service. The club also appreciates the contributions of Arron Downes, Elaine McLeod, Dylan Jones, Nina Lawson and Mikeala Selaidinakos. The club is in a healthy financial position but needs to ensure the books are kept balanced and we continue to bring cash through the doors.